Frequently Answered Questions

Which is the objective of the SARS-CoV-2 haplofinder project?
The Haplofinder project is a non-profit initiative that pretends to collect patient data in a well-organized form to try to identify if any mutations or haplotypes are related to a more pathogenic, more transmissible, less symptomatic or asymptomatic disease.

What will you do with my sequences?
Nothing!, we will just use the information from the results of the haplotype analysis. Your SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences will not become public when analyzed by our website.

What will you do with my metadata?
We will use the metadata that you voluntarily share with us to correlate haplotypes with patient data in order to achieve the objective of the HaploFinder project.

Will I get any credits to share my information with you?
When we get sufficient data to perform a good analysis, the articles generated from the data submitted here will contain the proper acknowledgments to all the list of submitters and institutions that contribute to their information.

Can I analyze genomic sequences without submit metadata?
Yes, of course. Just complete the column named "ID in fasta file" properly and kept in blank the columns that you do not have information. But, we encourage that all researchers with available data submit it to contribute in this worldwide initiative and effort to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

If I do not have genomes to analyze, can I explore haplotypes description?
Yes! In the navigator we have an option "explore-haplotypes" this will redirect you to all our haplotypes analysis without pass through the genome analysis procedure.